Sunday, February 12, 2012

Brief Comment on Elizabeth's Post

Elizabeth could have mentioned how people cut in line, cashiers have to wait on the managers to check larger bills, items are often not in stock, and the night crowd is unbelievably large and choose items incredibly slowly.  I find it funny that Elizabeth posted this last night because I was at the other Lucky that same night...exhausting! I told Chris that groceries was the hardest part about living in Cambodia for me...that is, besides the heat. =) 
I know Elizabeth is not complaining but explaining. She paints such a great picture of the experience. I often wonder why I can't do all that I did in the States, why living here is so different and difficult. What she has written makes me feel a bit more normal. Chris and I have been discussing why something that is seemingly simple (like telling people Bible stories for him and buying spaghetti sauce for me) can be so difficult. What's wrong with us?!
photo credit:
Our struggles here have brought me to the end of myself and opened my eyes to a truth I might have ignored in America about myself: I rely on my own strength in just about every area of my life. 
I have to do this.
I have to fix this.
I have to conquer this.
The problem is that over and over again I cannot. I cannot. I do not need to look to God for only those big struggles, those big life issues. I need His strength to do the next load of laundry, to bear the next power outage, to resist the next shout at my children, and, yes, to survive Lucky Market. I am so glad God continues to throw these "little" things at me to teach me reliance on Him!

1 comment:

  1. Love reading your thoughts and can identify in some ways from over here. I used to feel like I'd just finished running a 5K after leaving the grocery store--exhausting. :) I want you to know I'm praying for your families all the time. Miss you guys! May He give you daily strength as you do each task, love on your family and serve Him in Cambodia.
