Saturday, July 30, 2016

Life in Community: The Path

He nearly fell; surely he was drunk. Still, he continued on toward us weaving unsteadily through the rice fields. He wore only a checked scarf around his waist, his weathered skin dark brown in the gloaming of the day glistened with sweat. When he reached us, his face brightened as a broad smile stretched wide in greeting.

He was in his right mind.

How often have I judged a life walked along a crooked path? How often have I assumed my own journey inferior because the road I have taken is not the straight shot I planned?

Perhaps the narrow road our Lord spoke of resembles our friend's path curving through trials and joys, bumpy with sanctifying holes and rocks, narrow enough for only one foot in front of the other. Perhaps we look drunk to those around us, unbalanced instead if sure-footed, haphazard, even irresponsible.

May God teach us to have mercy in our perception of each other's lives, of our own lives. May He teach us to desire more than the straight and narrow, to seek holiness instead of ease, to put one foot in front of the other in pilgrimage. May we rejoice for those on the Way instead of judging their walk.

Because the Way IS He who saved us, and He is as unconventional and surprising as they come. And what a grin we will all have on our faces when the Way leads us to the Father. We know our Path has already faced judgement for us, and despite what many thought at the time, He was in His right mind.

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